Here's What I Know..

Information changes situations. From middle school to college, providing a student with the right information and resources is sure to increase their chances of being successful in school and in life. As an eighth grade student my principal told an auditorium full of students, including myself, that we could attend any college in the state of Ga for FREE by maintaining a 3.0 GPA. I was amazed and full of hope. It was the first time I realized that education could be my way to a better life. It was a way to my dreams! That gave school meaning for me.
Many students struggle in school simply because it has no meaning to them. They can't find the relationship between academic success and their real life success. That's why I'm passionate about empowering students with the tools and information they need to take control of their lives.

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My Message To You..

My Dad used to tell my brothers and me "the food just taste better when we all can have some". I believe that the same is true for success, it's just better when the whole team is winning. I'd love to be on your team and help you or your students find the way to victory. 

I spent  21 years in school(9 years in college). During that time period I can recall being almost every type of student you can classify; From the smart student that educators loved to the struggling student that didn't care. I distinctly remember how it felt to be completely overlooked for opportunities that I once knew i would get. It wasn't until a professor pulled me aside(after failing his class) and asked me "what happened to you"? My first response was one of defense and immaturity. Shortly after, however, I realized he was right.

With that realization I refocused and created a system for my success. Within that system I made the Deans list for the next and final 3 semesters of my undergraduate career. That gave me a fighting chance at being accepted into pharmacy school. I improved upon that system once being accepted into Pharmacy school and graduated from that program with Honors. Below you'll see some examples of how that system helped me excel as a student and in life. It all started with making the decison to chase the greatest version of my life. Now its your turn!

Featured Student

Dr. Alex Perryman as featured student for Florida A&M University website.




Dr. Alex Perryman and team in South Africa volunteering at children orphanage. Dr. Perryman is the founder of iLive, an inspirational brand and consulting company. 


Dr. Alex Perryman and Dr. Talya Shahid, Cofounders of Wet lab Prep, the first online prep course for the Ga Pharmacy Practical Examination.

A Snapshot Of My Journey

Like I once did, our students are struggling with bridging the gap from high school to undergrad to graduate/professional school.

On the far left is the 18 year old Alex... anxious to take on the world but ignorant and naive to what it actually took to make my dreams a reality. I didn't foresee the days of financial hardship and academic struggle. Nor did I foresee the days of close family members undergoing serious medical conditions that would weigh so heavy on me. 

On the far right is 27 year old Alex with a Doctorate degree. By this time, I was wiser and more experienced. I was no longer surprised by the trials that came with life but instead I expected them. Even more, I knew how to overcome them.  I’ve unpacked the lessons I’ve learned over the years and repackaged them in a way to help students succeed. 

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About Alex Perryman


The youngest of four boys, I was raised by my two loving parents in a small two bedroom home, where we depended on each other for love and support. With an instilled hunger for knowledge and education, I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Science from Albany State University and a Doctorate of Pharmacy from Florida A&M University.

I was fortunate enough to learn what my biggest blessing was at a young age. That's my family. To be more specific, it was my 3 older brothers and my older cousin whom my parents adopted after the sudden passing of my uncle. I had 4 people to look up to... to learn from. They've always served as mentors and teachers for me. So many of my peers just didn't have that at home. No one to guide them or help boost their confidence when needed. I often wonder how their lives would have turned out if they had what  I had. 

My aim as a student success coach and speaker is to help fill those gaps for students across the world. I can truly say that I am committed to  doing this work for the rest of my life.


Young Alex


Perryman Family